Speak Out

Lombard calling: What is it with you leftists calling everybody a fascist? Take a good look in the mirror sometime, and you might see a fascist staring right back at you.
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Hello, I’m calling regarding the water bills for Lombard. It seems like when we got a smart meter, the bills are more accurate but I still want to know how come they always round off to the nearest thousands. Mine was always 7,000, now it’s 5,000. How can it be always be on the head? They apparently round up all the time.

Your question was forwarded to Village of Lombard officials, who responded: “The village bills water users per 1,000 gallons used. For example, if 3,001 gallons are used during a billing period, the charge on the bill will be for 3,000 gallons. Likewise, if 3,999 gallons are used during a billing period, the charge on the bill will be for 3,000 gallons. Additionally, water bills are issued every other month, so the amount of days accounted for in each billing cycle can vary depending on the months billed, which would reflect a different amount of water usage. For more information and a helpful FAQ, visit www.villageoflombard.org/waterbillingFAQ.” –JAC
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We are all entitled to our own opinions on the issue of abortion. I, personally, do not believe that you or anyone else has the right to tell me not to have an abortion and until that baby is full term and born, or at 6 months, it is alive, but in the beginning when it is conceived I do not consider this alive. So, you can consider that murder if someone has an abortion but I don’t. But what I do consider murder is when you have given birth to this child and have them for five or six years and someone as in Sandy Hook walks in and mows them down. When you’ve had them for 16 years and someone walks in the school and mows them down. You’ve raised that child; you’ve nurtured that child; you’ve loved that child. Your heart is broken because your child was murdered by a person with a gun.
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This is in response to the person who stated that the vast majority of refugees coming into this country are from countries such as Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, and that it’s racist and inaccurate to call them all Mexicans. I agree, and I watch Fox News. But I’d like to ask the caller this question: Since these refugees are coming from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, they have to cross into Mexico first, correct? As the caller suggested we Fox News viewers should do, I did a little research and noticed that Mexico has a border with Guatemala and Belize. Whose responsibility is it to control Mexico’s border with those countries? Hint: it’s not the responsibility of Fox News or the United States.
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Thanks go out to the woman in the black SUV who stopped on Stewart Tuesday morning, July 10, to help save a turtle that was in the southbound lane. I parked my northbound car and walked across the street and waved for help while directing traffic away from the turtle. No one else would stop. I had read what to do but was unsure—and feared that going back to my car to get gloves or something to scoop it up with mean risking the animal being run over. She pulled over and moved it toward the water. Hero of the day, in my opinion.
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When I buy gasoline, I usually use a credit card. After I swipe the card, I have to enter my zip code. This must be some type of simple verification safeguard. I am wondering, how do Democrats buy gasoline? I assume they regard the zip code verification as racist and disenfranchising. That’s what they think of voter identification, which is about the same as zip code verification. According to Democrats, being asked to provide ID when at the polling place isn’t some simple verification technique to prove one’s residence. Nope, it’s racist and bigoted, and hearkens back to Jim Crow laws and Nazi tactics. Have Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton organized widespread protests against all of these racist gas stations?
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Good morning, Lombard calling. I was on North Avenue this morning, July 10, at 8 a.m. and there were two Village of Lombard dump trucks and both drivers were on their cell phones. Can we please set an example, Lombard? This is becoming an epidemic and it needs to stop before more people are killed. Thank you.

Your concern was forwarded to Village of Lombard officials for a response, which is as follows: “Lombard public works department takes safety very seriously. In the event that you witness an employee in a village vehicle using a cell phone while driving, please contact the Public Works Department at 630-620-5740 and provide a vehicle number time date and location of the event.”–JAC
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Hi. I am calling regarding the library issue in Lombard. Can someone explain how they were able to raise my taxes along with thousands of others’ taxes over $400 a year without even having a plan for a new library? Where did the extra $400 a year in taxes come from, out of the sky? Still, two years after not a shovel in the ground. These are the most incompetent people.
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Lombard calling in reference to the June 28 edition of the Lombardian where a contributor said that the immigration situation and the children being separated from their parents reminded him or her what the Nazis did during World War II. Well, I don’t think this person really remembers what the Nazis did. There is absolutely no comparison. What we have here are people entering our country illegally and they know their children could be separated from them and we know we will have to then pay for their education, medical and everything else, because they want to live here. The Nazis treated the Jewish people not as illegal immigrants but they wanted to annihilate that race.
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There’s a saying, “Stupid is as stupid does,” and in my opinion, every person who stands on the side of this president is as stupid as he is. You people cannot get your nose out of Fox News, cannot understand what the Constitution is, that he’s trying to destroy it, you cannot understand being in cahoots with Russia. I don’t know what more you need that you think everything that’s going on is fake because the man who’s the biggest fake of all tells you that and you believe that. We’ve had a Congress and Senate who do nothing. And with the new Supreme Court judge, do you have any idea what’s going to happen to us? You, who follow him, will find out just like we who do not, just how much trouble we are in and when they start taking things away because you have a Republican Supreme Court; unfortunately all of us have to live through what you think he’s doing is so wonderful.
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I have tried three times in the past two days to use the library facility. No luck. The handicap slots are full. I have gone different days of the week, different times of the day. Eight times out of 10, those handicap slots are full. There are a grand total of two of them. I do not understand why so much space is needed for the book drop-off. When the new library administrator came, she asked for input. I asked her to look at that area and see what could be done about adding at least one more slot for the handicapped. I have yet to hear from her, and how long is she here? I’m paying taxes to support that library and I’m not getting my value, and now I’m being asked to pay a greater portion to support a new library? I wonder how many handicapped slots there will be at the new library.

Your comments were forwarded to Plum Library officials, and the response is as follows: “The Helen Plum Library currently has four handicapped parking spots. Two are located in front of the building, and although the other two are further from the building, at the south end of the library parking in the hospital lot, there are ramps on the sidewalk for access. Also, although not designated as handicapped spots, the parking on Park Avenue close to Maple is an alternative.
“Increasing handicapped parking is one of our priorities with the new building and there will be a total of five spots in front of the building. The library will also provide drive-through service to drop off and pick up pre-requested materials and pay fines. The current book drop-off area size was determined to allow drivers to be able to safely pull in and out.”
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Let’s all give thanks! We disagree on so many things, but we can all agree that the rescue of the boys in Thailand was a terrific success.
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To the reader who says lumping people from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador with those from Mexico is “inaccurate and just plain racist,” you, my friend are inaccurate! Mexican is not a race. But most people from those countries are Latino, which is a race. Some lumping seems justified; they’re coming to this country illegally! And it’s not all one world. Ever hear of the third world? Their part of it is a less desirable place because of the culture they tolerate and therefore support. We don’t need them to drag us down. If you feel so strongly about one world, one human race, make your bank account theirs.
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The caller who defended the egg in a women’s womb needs to go back to fifth-grade sex education. There we all learned that when an egg meets a sperm a baby can start to develop in the mother’s womb. This is called common sense. Women, who are unable to get pregnant, with the help of their doctors, will collect their eggs and freeze them to hopefully start a baby with medical help. Wisdom and common sense are lost to lust and selfish desires. The real choice is at the time you decide to have sex. Do you not know what is happening in an abortion? A baby is sliced and dismembered in the belly of a woman. The mother’s womb becomes a torture chamber. Yes, there is a heartbeat and the little developing baby fights for its life as the abortion procedure happens. Psalm 139:13-18, 23-24.
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What a surprise the consultant the library paid said they have enough parking; of course they did. Too bad the village makes that decision based on local laws and ordinances. The architect says they don’t use the half the spaces they have now; then do we really need a bigger library? Before you tear down the current library make sure you can rebuild where it is? Probably not. Remember the people seemingly got duped into voting for a permanent tax increase. A building or location was not on the ballot. This madness must stop; fire the director and recall the library board.
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Don’t forget that the Lombard-Villa Park Food Pantry is open the third Saturday, which is this week, and also in August and every month. If you haven’t visited the pantry recently, you will be pleasantly surprised at all the changes and great variety of food that is available. It is open from 9-11:45 a.m.
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Driving through the streets of Villa Park, I noticed that a few of you still have your “Save Lufkin Pool” signs out in your front yards. This makes about as much sense as leaving the campaign sign of a candidate who lost an election up in your yard. Lufkin Pool isn’t opening, so get over it and take your signs down.